Band Parent Philosophy and Purpose

The Band Booster Parents help to organize the bands trips, provide chaperones for all Band, Marching Wildcats, Color Guard and Winter Guard events and help to transport the bands substantial amount of equipment to and from competitions and performances.

Band parents achieve this support through many programs and service projects. Fundraising, organized project committees, chaperoning, uniform organization, prop set and equipment building, and food preparations are just a few examples of how our parents get involved and provide support to the music program. The bottom line is that our parents perform a vital service and major support to our student program by active involvement in our booster organization. Volunteer work may be organized through our GBBPA leadership and outlines and descriptions of volunteer jobs and opportunities will be displayed on our website.


Every parent of a student in the Great Bridge High School Band and Color Guard program is encouraged to give at least one hour each month on behalf of the band program. There are many, many jobs, both small and large, required to make this program succeed. A marvelous sense of accomplishment comes from hearing and seeing the superior results of our students and parents hard work.


Each year, parents give a total of more than 10,000 volunteer hours to this program. Each parents contribution is extremely important and very much appreciated!

If you have any questions about non academic band activities, or would like to get involved with the band boosters, please contact the GBBPA President.


Become a member!


Board Meetings